Saturday, 27 August 2011

Robobasket – why you need it

Robobasket is a neat Windows 7 64bit application that will sort your files – any files – whatever way you want.

This one is even better than running Amok. This will do all that Amok does and more – and better. The 64bit version is lightning fast. The Cap has been hunting for this thing for ages – and now has found it. Amma jumpin for joy!!!


10 reasons to use RoboBasket (according to their website)

  • Set-it-and-Forget-it solution for sorting files.
  • Create rules easily by drag and drop.
  • Filter files based on name, extension, date created, date last modified, size, kind and more other file attributes.
  • Filter mp3s or images using mp3 tags and EXIF information.
  • Perform actions like move, copy, rename, recycle, open, notify and more other actions.
  • Create individual rules set for different folders.
  • Quickly access RoboBasket from system tray menu.
  • Find files quickly by searching detailed actions log.
  • Save a lot of time and effort keeping files organized. RoboBasket can totally Pay for itself
  • Free support by email.

I’ve not seen another tool as good as this for sorting files. If you find better do shout about it.

This could change your life

In just a few minutes these videos from a great man could change the way you live your life. Yes – there is a dog to feed somewhere, a bill to pay, a leaking tap to fix, or that link on Amazon to click. It’s up to you of course, whether you look and listen now – or you say you’ll see it ‘later’ – and we all know that’s most unlikely. So – if you’re 100% satisfied with your life look away now!

“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams; it’s about how to lead your life!”
What wisdom would we impart to the world if it was our last chance?