Wednesday 3 September 2008


Yesterday something small occupied my mind. But it was something that repeatedly came to mind over the years.

I got into my car and drove off as usual. About a minute down the road, I could see a tiny fly in the upper right corner of my windscreen. It was bumping its head on the screen trying to get out. It was quite a distraction. So I slowed down, wound the window down and tried to brush it through the window with my left hand. The fly would escape the waft of my hand and get back to bumping its head on the windscreen.

I then drove off and hoped that with the window partially down it would get sucked out. That did not happen. Eventually I had to whack it. And that was the end of that.

So why the devil is this important? Well my dad used to tell me (probably between ages of 10 - 17) about flies being caught behind windows, likening that to people being trapped behind invisible boundaries. That served as a way of looking at things over the next  30 years.

It is so true - I see many people being trapped behind unseen (or unrecognised boundaries). They know the boundary is there; they just don't have the means to understand it and know what to do about it. So they continue to do what they always did and what they've been programmed to do.

But the hand that waves them in one direction is important. Sometimes a helping hand is extended to these 'trapped' people. However, they are so driven by instinct that they continue on the programmed path. The outcome? Not good.

The moral of the story is to:

1. Find the boundaries

2. Identify what needs to be done.

3. Do it.

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